Online Fart Sound Click the Dot. Count the Farts.
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Flash Fart Button

Are you looking for a Flash fart button or Fart button for your website? If your answer is yes, you are at the right place. We at, provide you a Fart button myspace code that you can just copy and paste in your website code. Besides this, you can also place this code in xanga, blog or forum.

Flash fart button will make your myspace profile really funny especially for those who like sharing fart funny jokes. You can easily make your website interesting by placing the funny fart button. With the help of this amazing fart button you can spend fun times with your friends. Your friends would love the flash fart button to guess the number of fart sounds they hear.

Flash fart button or the farting dot:

For those who think that the flash fart button should contain more farting sounds, we feel that the selection of farts represents the widest variety of farts available from any farting dot, anywhere. To add more farts might be redundant. We have covered wet farts, slurping farts, long farts, squeakers, drum-and-bass, and all the favorites. So there are no plans to add more fart sounds at this time.

You can take part in the fart contest also. After clicking on the flash fart button, you need to guess the number of fart noises. Get the correct count by just sending your email address. Enjoy this funny feature by placing the fart button myspace code in your web site.

In addition to the fart dot, we also help you find best farting humor. Just post your comment and it will be placed on our website. You can also tell your friends about our flash fart button. They will surely like it.

Get this comic flash fart button for your website today! Also share funny fart jokes and experiences with us. Check for free fart games and jokes.

Fart Jokes

Fart Jokes

Fart Noises
Fart facts, fart noises, fart sounds. Weriod but Cool!

Create a Fart
Little about Celebrity farters, fart button, fart machine!

Lighting Fart Gas!
Fart Blast, Light up your Fart Gas!

Fart Jokes
Fart Jokes

Reincarnation Station
Find out what you'll be in your next life

Free Fart Sounds on your web site!
Paste exciting and humorous DotFart fart code!

Reaction Jackson
Think you're fast? Think you're smart? Find out here!

Are You Angry?
Take this personality test and find out!

Put the Farting Dot on Your Web Page
or myspace profile! It's easy...

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