Online Fart Sound Click the Dot. Count the Farts.
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Create a fart @

Dotfart’s Farting Dot is really exciting. Dot Fart offers a thrilling Farting Dot game. The game is simple but offers real fun and entertainment. To create a fart through the dot fart button, all you need to do is to click on it to hear fart sounds.

You can place it in your myspace profile and make it funny. For this, you simply need to copy a simple code available at Dot Fart, and paste it on your web page. This will farting dot adds humor if included as part of your web page.

You can also find farting machines that create fart sounds for fun. Youngsters use it to play pranks and derive fun. Since these machines to create a fart sound are operated using a remote there are little chances to get caught. Isn’t it exciting.

 Know Some Celebrity Farters

  • Leonardo di Caprio, Hollywood star
  • Florence Nightingale
  • Jean Luc Picard, Captain of Starship Enterprise
  • Egypt 's Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile
  • Alfred Hitchcock

All these famous people farts. So you do not feel bad if you happen to fart among the people.

Enjoy farts jokes, farts games, farts poems, video clips and other farting humor. There are numerous online sources where you can find great farting humor. Your suggestions are always welcome. Do you have an exciting idea? Make a Fart Suggestion NOW!

Fart Jokes

Fart Jokes

Fart Noises
Fart facts, fart noises, fart sounds. Weriod but Cool!

Create a Fart
Little about Celebrity farters, fart button, fart machine!

Lighting Fart Gas!
Fart Blast, Light up your Fart Gas!

Fart Jokes
Fart Jokes

Reincarnation Station
Find out what you'll be in your next life

Free Fart Sounds on your web site!
Paste exciting and humorous DotFart fart code!

Reaction Jackson
Think you're fast? Think you're smart? Find out here!

Are You Angry?
Take this personality test and find out!

Put the Farting Dot on Your Web Page
or myspace profile! It's easy...

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